Consumer products

T (Alpha)

Can you dream of a world of such richness that you never again have to worry about what best data exists relevant to any context you are in, what best analysis of this data could be most fruitful, and what best action can be done or should be done on the basis of this analysis? Well, that is exactly the world that T makes possible read more

TipTop Technologies has built a one-of-a-kind, robust, widely-applicable, data and industry-agnostic, proprietary Artificial Intelligence platform, MindWave. Unsurprisingly, our platform is these days rapidly becoming the AI platform of choice for a growing number of enterprises all over the world. You can read more about the MindWave AI platform here.

TipTop's consumer products have been used by millions of users over the last 7 years since our very first product was launched.

T (Alpha)

T today can likely demonstrate understanding of anything in our world far superior to what even the most knowledgeable expert could ever achieve themselves. Want to compare your knowledge of Schopenhauer's philosophy with what T knows? Go ahead. Give T a try. Prefer Camus? No problem. Go ahead and challenge T. Your conversation on Camus with T will likely surpass a conversation you could have with Camus himself were he alive today... read more

TipTop Insight Engine

There is so much information out there for anyone searching (or just curious to learn more) that we never seem to have the time and energy to read it all. Some of us organize our favorite feeds and follow them on Twitter and yet others use their friends' updates on Facebook to stay current with the world. We visit these and other favorite sites when we can, but the flood of articles, blogs, reports and updates is overwhelming.

Well, despair no more! TipTop is proud to bring you a new way to discover what's really useful in your feeds, a way to read less but know more, and never miss a thing!

Don't believe us? Just click on the Setup tab and log in with your Facebook, Twitter, and/or LinkedIn account and you are ready to consume your feeds the TipTop way -- not in linear time order but semantically organized and available for view from many different perspectives.

Whenever you refresh your Twitter view, you can see it from different Angles, just the Positive tips, just the Images, or just the Summary, etc. -- exactly as you browse our search results.

Some of the most interesting insights you discover in TipTop can be shared automatically by TipTop in your favorite social media services. For example, when you log into TipTop via Twitter, you will be prompted by TipTop to configure your auto-sharing preferences.

TipTop Shopping

TipTop Shopping helps online buyers make quick, well informed purchase decisions. Users save time by not having to read through hundreds of user reviews because they get to see and explore TipTop's automatically generated product ratings. They can easily find and compare products that are of interest and then add items to their shopping cart for a quick checkout on Amazon.

TipTop's one-of-a-kind semantic engine analyzes user-generated product reviews from Amazon to produce product rating scores and highlight the best reviews across a variety of attributes such as Overall Quality, Features, Safety, and Value for Money.